The Withouts of Kuwait

Freedom Square, Taima. (Kuwait City). Ali Shamkhi Al-Fadly is a Bedoon athlete of 24 years old.

Freedom Square, Taima. (Kuwait City). Ali Shamkhi Al-Fadly is a Bedoon athlete of 24 years old.

Freedom Square, Taima. (Kuwait City). Ali Shamkhi Al-Fadly is a Bedoon athlete of 24 years old. Ali lives in Taima, the area where Bedoon protested for the right of citizenship many times this year and last year.Last March he partecipated in the Arab Championship for the deaf in Tunisia representing Kuwait. Ali with his colleagues got 20 medals. Ali is a person with a disability yet he is not granted any right to the necessary services that can help him in his athletic career. Bedoon athletes like Ali are not even registered in the society of disabled persons that is responsible of taking care of them and supporting them. Although Ali is deprived off his rights as a person with special needs, he is taken to represent Kuwait in championships.Ali receives the passport only to compete in the paralympic champioships in foreign countries, but after these events the government of Kuwait impounds Ali’s passport on his return to Kuwait.

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